Dishcovery Recipe App

Project Overview:
Repository: dishcovery

Dishcovery is a social networking and blog app that allows users to create, edit, delete, and share their favorite recipes with a community of food enthusiasts. The app’s mission is to make every bite tell a story. With Dishcovery, you can explore, create, and enjoy a world of delectable recipes shared by people from all over the globe.


  • User Authentication: Utilizes Google OAuth for secure and convenient user authentication.
  • Recipe Creation: Users can create and customize their own recipes, complete with images, ingredients, and instructions.
  • Image Upload: Powered by Edgestore, it offers seamless image uploads for your recipe images.
  • Recipe Sharing: Share your recipes with the world or keep them private, as you prefer.
  • Recipe Editing and Deletion: Easily edit or delete your recipes at any time.
  • Community Interaction: Connect with like-minded food lovers, comment on recipes, and exchange culinary tips and tricks.
  • Responsive Design: The app is built with Next.js and offers a responsive and engaging user interface.


  • Sign In: Use your Google account to sign in to the app.
  • Create Recipe: Click on “Create Recipe” to start sharing your culinary masterpiece.
  • Edit or Delete Recipe: Access your profile and click on the recipe you want to modify or delete.
  • Dishcover Recipes (no pun intended): Explore a world of recipes created by other users.
  • Interact with the Community: Like, comment, and share your thoughts on the recipes you love.
  • Enjoy! Share your love for food with the world and let every bite tell a story.


Dishcovery is built using the following technologies and dependencies:

  • Next.js: The foundation of the app, providing a fast and responsive user interface.
  • NextAuth.js: For secure and hassle-free user authentication.
  • Edgestore: Powering image uploads.
  • Prisma: Used for database management/ORM.
  • Tailwind CSS: Styling the app.
  • And many other libraries and packages (see package.json for a full list).


This project is licensed under the MIT License.